

As a group we talk about the concept of practicing with a purpose and not confusing effort with results. We can go out and exhaust ourselves with our effort thinking we accomplished something along the way, but maybe all we really accomplished was to tire ourselves out.

We have to go out and practice with a purpose. If we are going to improve our first touch today, then we must collectively and cooperatively work together towards that end. If that is our purpose, that is what we will achieve. It is the concept of progress, of making steady improvement each time we take the field. It is the knowledge we hold at the end of the day that through purposeful effort we have gotten better individually and collectively.

This requires honesty and accountability to yourself and to one another. At the end of the day you must be able to look at yourself and know that you gave your best effort. You need to be able to look into your teammates eyes and have them know you cut no corners, that you paid attention to the smallest of details, that you gave them your best effort. Only when this honesty and accountability to yourself and to one another exists does true improvement occur.

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